Last week, we received an unexpected walk-in, special order from our regular customer, for our signature dessert- The Rainbow lava.
She requested for an 8 inches diameter with a weight of 1kg - Rainbow Lava, instead of the normal serving size for 1 person, specially made for her son's birthday on that day. We were shocked and caught off guard, as we are not prepared for such a large size, Rainbow Lava.
After an hour of figuring out the way to make such a large Rainbow Lava, we finally decide to accept the challenge.
By then, we have less than 3 hours left before our customers come and collect the special custom made size (extra large size) -Rainbow Lava.
Actually, we have only 2 hours left, to prepare and bake before our customer turn up to collect.
Finally, 10 minutes before the agreed collection time, she turned up.
She was surprise to see that the Rainbow Lava, was just taken out of the oven and still very hot, and untouchable with hand.
After we have packed it in the box, she paid us and smiling all the way to her car.
We can see from our door that her son, was so happy that the surprise birthday cake was our signature dessert - Rainbow Lava.
For all the rushes and tension built up from preparation to boxed-up the Rainbow Lava, we felt that all these unexpected challenges, is worth taking-up.
We are happy and fully contented, that we did not turn down this challenge. The customer’s smiling face, that we saw as she walked to the car and her son’s happy expression is more than what we expect for.
Happy Birthday to this little birthday boy.